SEQRA & Environmental Impact Statements
Tim Miller Associates, Inc. has substantial experience preparing environmental impact assessments and statements on a wide range of land development projects according to the criteria established by the following regulations:
National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)
New York State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA)
- Environmental Assessment Forms (EAF)
- Draft Environmental Impact Statements (DEIS)
- Final Environmental Impact Statements (FEIS)
- Generic Environmental Impact Statements (GEIS)
- SEQRA Findings Statements
- Coastal Zone Consistency Findings
Depending on the particular regulations involved and the level of analysis required, each impact assessment may include an evaluation of existing conditions and potential impacts in the following areas:
- Geology
- Transportation/Traffic
- Topography
- Noise
- Air Quality
- Land Use
- Soils
- Surface Water Resources
- Groundwater Resources
- Socioeconomics
- Drainage Patterns
- Flood Zones
- Municipal Services
- Sewerage
- Wetlands
- Water Supply
- Vegetation
- Population
- Wildlife
- Municipal Fiscal Conditions
- Educational Resources
- Aesthetic Resources
- Historical and Archaeological Resources
Alternatives to the project are analyzed and evaluated, and recommendations made for modifications to final plans. Measures to mitigate potentially adverse impacts are evaluated and recommended. Tim Miller Associates, Inc. also represents clients at meetings and public hearings as required. All staff is intimate with the procedural and technical requirements of the New York State Environmental Quality Review Act.