CAYUGA HEIGHTS Deer Management Plan FEIS
Date on document:
March 14, 2011
Click on the links to view report sections in Adobe Acrobat format. Click the “Back” button on your browser to get back to this page.
CAYUGA HEIGHTS Deer Management Plan DEIS
Date on document:
November 01, 2010
Click on the links to view report sections in Adobe Acrobat format. Click the “Back” button on your browser to get back to this page.
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FEIS Report:
- Title Page & Table of Contents (36 KB)
- 1.0 Introduction and Summary (47 KB)
- 2.0 Comments and Responses on the Draft EIS (448 KB)
- Appendix A: Public Hearing Transcript and Comment Letters (56 MB)
- Appendix B: Deer Culling Activities (1.3 MB)
- Appendix C: Update Deer / Vehicle Accident Data (7.6 MB)
- Appendix D: Deer Ticks and Deer Density (817 KB)
- Appendix E: Deer Overpopulation and Residential Landscapes (5.2 MB)
- Appendix F: Draft Fencing Ordinance (410 KB)
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SEQR Notice:
DEIS Report:
- Title Page & Table of Contents (36 KB)
- 1.0 Executive Summary (32 KB)
- 2.0 Description of the Proposed Action (44 KB)
- 3.0 Environmental Setting (43 KB)
- 3.1 Land Use and Zoning
- 3.2 Policies and Law Relating to Deer Management
- 3.3 Community Perspectives
- 3.4 Socio-Economics
- 4.0 Potential Impacts (29 KB)
- 4.1 Potential Land Use and Zoning
- 4.2 Potential Policy Impacts
- 4.3 Community Viewpoints
- 4.4 Potential Socio-Economic Impacts
- 5.0 Mitigation Measures (12 KB)
- 6.0 Alternatives (17 KB)
- 6.1 No Action Alternative
- 6.2 Sterilization Only, No Culling
- 6.3 Firearm Culling Only, No Sterilization
- 6.4 Sterilization and Culling by Trapping
- 7.0 Irreversible and Irretrievable Commitments of Resources (11 KB)
- 8.0 Growth-Inducing Aspects (11 KB)
- 9.0 Effects on the Use and Conservation of Energy Resources (11 KB)
- Appendix A: SEQRA Documentation (16 MB)
- Appendix B: Preliminary Situation Analysis, Residenial Survey 1999 (2.7 MB)
- Appendix C: Empowering Local Communities to Co-Manage Deer (2 MB)
- Appendix D: Cayuga Heights Deer Study Committee Findings, 2001 (635 KB)
- Appendix E: Draft Deer Management Proposal and DRAC Information Memorandum (2.7 MB)
- Appendix F: Points of Understanding Regarding Cayuga Heights Deer Situation (11 MB)
- Appendix G: Economic Impacts of Deer Overpopulation (793 KB)
- Appendix H: Letter from NYSDEC (228 KB)
- Figure 2-1: Regional Location Map (1.6 MB)
- Figure 2-2: Village Location on USGS Map (9.5 MB)
- Figure 2-3: Aerial Photo (19.8 MB)
- Figure 3.1: Zoning Map (3.5 MB)
- Figure 3.2: Natural Areas of Cayuga Heights (1.6 MB)