FEIS Addendum
Date on document:
September 17, 2015
Date on document:
December 22, 2009
Date on document:
April 15, 2009
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FEIS Addendum 9/17/15:
- Introduction (32 KB)
- Resolution (52 KB)
- Cover_Letter (249 KB)
- Addendum (1.2 MB)
- Appendix A: SEQRA Findings Adopted January 25, 2010 (763 KB)
- Appendix B: ACOE & NYSDEC Correspondence (6.6 MB)
- Appendix C: ACOE JD Application (9.8 MB)
- Appendix D: Jurisdictional Determination (JD) from ACOE (3 MB)
- Appendix E: SEQRA Site Plan Maps (2.2 MB)
- Appendix F: Layout & Basin Comparison Map for Revised Site Plan (5.9 MB)
- Appendix G: Aquifer Mapping & Groundwater Protection Zone (4 MB)
FEIS Report:
- Title Page & Table of Contents (25 KB)
- 1.0 Introduction and Executive Summary (23 KB)
- 2.0 Project Description (54 KB)
- 3.1 Geology Soils and Topography (27 KB)
- 3.2 Water Resources (34 KB)
- 3.3 Ecology & Wetlands (64 KB)
- 3.4 Land Use & Zoning (145 KB)
- 3.5 Traffic and Transportation (24 KB)
- 3.6 Community Facilities & Services (68 KB)
- 3.7 Fiscal Analysis (19 KB)
- 3.8 Archaeological Resources (20 KB)
- 3.9 Visual Resources (38 MB)
- 3.10 Noise & Air Resources (12 KB)
- 4.0 Unavoidable Impacts (11 KB)
- 5.0 Alternatives (17 KB)
- 6.0 Irreversible Commitmnt of Resources (11 KB)
- 7.0 Growth Inducing Impacts (12 KB)
- 8.0 Energy (29 KB)
FEIS Figures:
- Figure 1: Patrick Farm and Environs (672 KB)
- Figure 2: Proposed Site Plan (1.4 MB)
- Figure 3: Site Environmental Encumbrance Map (1.2 MB)
- Figure 4: Construction Sequence (1.2 KB)
FEIS Appendices:
- Appendix A: Public Hearing Minutes and Comment Letters (8.9 MB)
- Appendix B: Correspondence (925 KB)
- Appendix C: Housing Demand Market Analysis (16 MB)
- Appendix D: Archaeology – Preservation of the J Mather Farmstead (3.4 MB)
- Appendix E: RCSD #1 Executive Summary (42 KB)
- Appendix F: NYS DEC Wetland Boundary Validation (3 MB)
Supplementary CD: Appendix A:
- Appendix A CD (923 KB)
DEIS Volume I Report:
- Vol. 1 Title Page & Table of Contents (38 KB)
- 1.0 Executive Summary (215 KB)
- 2.0 Project Description (13.8 MB)
- 3.1 Geology, Soils & Topography (7.6 MB)
- 3.2 Surface Water Resources (10.7 MB)
- 3.3 Ecology & Wetlands (11 MB)
- 3.4 Land Use & Zoning (16.7 MB)
- 3.5 Transportation (6.6 MB)
- 3.6 Community Services (71 KB)
- 3.7 Fiscal Analysis (63 KB)
- 3.8 Historic & Archaeological Resources (887 KB)
- 3.9 Aesthetic Resources (93 MB)
- 3.10 Noise & Air Resources (1 MB)
- 4.0 Adverse Environmental Effects that Cannot Be Avoided (35 KB)
- 5.0 Alternatives (7.5 MB)
- 6.0 Irreversible Irretrievable Commitmnt to Resources (34 KB)
- 7.0 Growth-Inducing Impacts (34 KB)
- 8.0 Energy Consumption-Conservation (50 KB)
DEIS Volume II – Appendices:
- Vol. 2 Title Page & Table of Contents (47 KB)
- Appendix A: SEQRA Documentation (2 MB)
- Appendix B: Correspondence (6 MB)
- Appendix C: Petition for Zone Change (1 MB)
- Appendix D: SWPPP & Drainage System Design (202 KB)
- Appendix E: Erosion Control Plan (4.5 MB)
- Appendix F: Summer Woodland Bat Survey (15.9 MB)
- Appendix G: Timber Rattlesnake Habitat Assessment (555 KB)
- Appendix H: Phase 1 Environmental Assessment (1.7 MB)
- Appendix I: Traffic Impact Study (1.3 MB)
- Appendix J: Rutgers Demographic Multipliers (90 KB)
- Appendix K: Real Estate Appraisal Report (397 KB)
- Appendix L: Con Edison Safety Guide (598 KB)
- Appendix M: Fiscal Analysis Worksheet (46 MB)
- Appendix N: Archaeology Reports (41.2 MB)
- Appendix O: LJA Water Report (6.4 MB)
- Appendix P: LJA Sewer Report (7 MB)
- Appendix Q: Landscape Detail Sheets (3 MB)
- Appendix R: Rockland Cnty Dept. of Health – Water Supply (70 KB)
- Appendix S: Columbia Gas Transmission Guidelines (230 KB)
- Appendix T: Lot Area Calculations (632 KB)
- Appendix U: Housing Needs Assessment (75 KB)
- Appendix V: Schedule of Public Improvements (108 KB)
- Appendix W: NYS Energy Conservation REScheck Compliance (92 KB)
- Appendix X: Comprehensive Plan Amendment (134 KB)