Date on Document:
June 24, 2011
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Main Report:
Cover Sheet and Table of Contents (31 KB)
1.0 Executive Summary (150 KB)
2.0 Description of Proposed Action (8 MB)
3.0 Existing Environmental Conditions Anticipated Impacts and Mitigation (5.1 MB)
3.2 Water Resources (3.1 MB)
3.3 Air Resources (39 KB)
3.4 Terrestrial and Aquatic Ecology (1.2MB)
3.5 Traffic and Transportation (5.3 MB)
3.6 Land Use and Zoning (1.1 MB)
3.7 Community Services (800 KB)
3.8 Socioeconomics (36 KB)
3.9 Cultural Resources (8.7 MB)
4.0 Alternatives (1.4 MB)
5.0 Adverse Environmental Impacts that Cannot be Avoided (27KB)
6.0 Irreversible and Irretrievable Commitment of Resources (14 KB)
7.0 Effects on the Use and Conservation of Energy Resources (20 KB)
8.0 Growth Inducing Impacts of the Proposed Action (15 KB)
Appendix A: SEQR Documentation (2.8 MB)
Appendix B: Correspondence (12 MB)
Appendix C-1 SWPPP Conservation Plan: (10 MB)
Appendix C-2 SWPPP Conventional Plan (11 MB)
Appendix D: Breeding Bird Atlas Data (2.5 MB)
Appendix E: Conservation Traffic Study (1.3 MB)
Appendix F: Conventional Traffic Study (3.5 MB)
Appendix G: Phase 1A/1B Cultural Resource Report (7.2 MB)
Appendix H: Soils Testing Data Sheets (4.0 MB)