FEIS – 03/15/07
DEIS – 04/05/06

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Date Finding Adopted: 05/03/07

NOTE: These are large files and may require a broadband connection to download. Hardcopies of the documents are available for review at the local library as an alternative for those with slow internet connections.

Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS)
Report date: 03/15/07

Volume 1 — Main Report:
Download Volume 1 (1.8 MB)

Volume 2 — Appendices:
Appendix A (18 MB)
Appendix B (480 KB)
Appendix C (40 MB)
Appendix D-J (13 MB)

Supplementary CD:
Air Quality Data (Zip file, 623 KB)

Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS)
Report date: 04/05/06

Volume 1 — Main Report:
Part One: The Marketplace at Newburgh DEIS (11 MB)
Part Two: The Marketplace at Newburgh DEIS (9 MB)
Part Three: The Marketplace at Newburgh DEIS (10 MB)

Volume 2 — Appendices:
Part One Appendices A -F (16 MB)
Part Two Appendices G -J (10 MB)

Supplementary CD (Volume 3):
Raw Traffic Counts Data (8 MB)
Stormwater Management Plan and Calculations (8 MB)
Supplemental Traffic Data (9 MB)
SYCHRO Output Files (18 MB)